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R00 OXD Intelligent Applications Insight Assets Thumbnail Tall V00 ST

How AI can transform modern government services

From predictive flood warnings to systems that cut document processing from weeks to hours, OXD Director of Software Steve Ly explains how AI and intelligent applications are revolutionizing government services.

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Canadian governments are overdue on reducing the administrative burden of their services

Every frustrating form and confusing process erodes public trust. OXD Vice President and Partner Gordon Ross challenges Canadian governments to rebuild that trust by reducing administrative burden on citizens.

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Is digital government just government? A nuanced debate at FWD50

In this Insight, Gordon Ross, Vice President and Partner at OXD suggests that the answer lies not in choosing sides, but in better understanding the evolution of government capabilities.

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Establishing digital trust with verifiable credentials

Our Director of Software Development, Steve Ly, explores a world where proving your identity or qualifications is as simple as scanning a QR code, without revealing your personal details.

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Five impressions from an unexpected healthcare service journey

Being the parent of an injured child forced Gordon Ross, OXD Vice President and Partner, to reconsider how a service designed equates to a service experienced. Here are his impressions on the collision of time, infrastructure, and identity across an unexpected summer healthcare journey.

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Will AI replace software developers? Why the Answer is “No”.

Our Director of Software Development, Steve Ly explains why AI should be seen as a powerful ally, instead of an unfriendly foe.

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Embracing the vertigo of service design

Gordon Ross shares insights around the profound impact of viewing service design from a broader perspective.

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Top six reasons governments should implement Zero Trust principles

Discover how adopting Zero Trust principles can bolster cybersecurity and better protect sensitive data from modern threats.

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United on the field: Government teams and vendors in action

Bridging the gap between government teams and vendors, Gordon Ross discusses how blended digital teams can transcend traditional roles to achieve success in public sector projects.

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Navigating cloud hosting in government: Insights into private and public cloud solutions

Understanding the trade-offs between private and public clouds is key when aligning with the stringent requirements of government applications. Our analysis breaks down the benefits, challenges, and tailored solutions. 

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Exploring the role of value in government product management

Without more investment in learning about value-creating behaviours in government product management, Gordon Ross, VP at OXD, writes that government risks the classic “nice landing, wrong airport” scenario of shipping a well-engineered, but flawed product at speed.

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Pre-Discovery and the challenge of the fuzzy front-end of digital transformation

“Pre-Discovery” in government may do more harm than good, blending good intentions with vague goals. What’s the aim—funding, defining issues, consensus? VP and Partner of OXD, Gordon Ross, explains that there are better ways to avoid early confusion with your Digital Transformation project.

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AI and access to the justice system: design challenges and considerations

Gordon Ross, VP and Partner at OXD, stresses that AI can’t improve public access to court information unless the underlying information is addressed first.

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Cross-platform vs. native application development: How to choose?

Steve Ly, Director of Software Development at OXD, discusses the benefits of considering cross-platform technologies versus native solutions to optimize development efforts and enhance the digital experience for users.

Illustration by OXD supporting decision-making process. Blue background with a sign post with different arrows pointing different ways.

With great decisions comes great responsibility: The work of the Decider

Whether working in government or leading a Fortune 500 company, a clear process for decision-making is crucial. Wil Arndt, OXD's Creative Director, explores why decision-making in organizations is so hard and how clarity and structure can help teams make better, faster decisions.

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The pivotal role of user interface and user experience in industrial manufacturing

Lead Designer James Byun shares insights into how UI/UX design is reshaping the industrial manufacturing landscape, turning complex systems into user-friendly tools.

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A day in the life of the QA Engineers at OXD

Discover how OXD ensures great user experiences that meet our clients’ highest standards. Jim Peers, our awesome Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, unveils how his QA team works and the critical role they play in software development.

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How you can use GBA+ for inclusive analysis in projects

Director of User Experience Jacqueline Antalik discusses the benefits of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)—a tool that helps you see how different genders and diverse people experience policies, programs, and services.

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QA testing is worth the cost now to reduce risks later. Here are five reasons why.

Some companies try to streamline by leaving QA off, but at OXD we recognize that this approach is risky, and in the long view, costly. QA Manager Jim Peers explains why including QA testing in your digital project is worth the cost.

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How to plan for a smooth replatforming to Drupal 10

Replatforming your legacy CMS to Drupal 10? Our Software Development team shares some tips to help you avoid the common pitfalls.

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Should you compensate research participants?

OXD UX Designer Hitomi Yokota explores the question, “Should we compensate research participants?” We believe it’s not only essential, but also an ethical requirement.

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How to conduct design research with compassion

In the wake of personal tragedy, designer Jacqueline Antalik practices deeper patience and compassion for research participants.

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Digital Transformation in Government

OXD spoke with senior managers and director-level public servants across Canada for their perspectives on Digital Transformation.

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Are your website KPIs traceable?

At OXD, we often recommend a simple table we call a KPI Traceability Matrix to show the connection from the objective or goal through to the KPI.

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Three common content migration mistakes, and how to avoid them

Reap the benefits of a successful content migration with these three recommendations.

R00 OXD Your Website Is Not Your Brand Insight Assets Thumbnail Tall V00 ST

Your website is not your brand

OXD’s Design Director Kallie Ashenden discusses the importance of a holistic brand approach when it comes to your website.

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Toddler-first usability testing

Four observations made from watching a two-and-a-half-year-old use an iPhone.

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How to broaden your reach and reduce participant barriers with remote user research

UX Designer Winnie Ho shares how we worked out some of the kinks encountered with remote user research and virtual engagement.

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An Agile approach to an anti-racist and inclusive workplace

How do we understand and meaningfully address our part in perpetuating systemic racism? What does it mean to create an anti-racist and inclusive workplace environment?

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Digital Transformation as an endurance sport

An OXD Service Designer draws parallels between their experience with endurance sport and their work in digital transformation initiatives with government.

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The Indigenization of policies and services in BC: lessons from Te Ao Māori

Reflections on working in the public sector and how British Columbia can move towards the systemic Indigenization of policies and services.

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OpenShift: making Agile development a reality for government projects

How and why we used a Platform as Service (PaaS) to help the Ministry of the Attorney General build capacity and improve citizen access to justice.

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Illustration: the overlooked design principle

How can illustration help improve the way users experience your product? An OXD Designer explores the question.

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Four easy tests to determine if your website is accessible

OXD's QA Manager and web accessibility expert Sophie Repussard shares four simple tests to help you evaluate your website’s accessibility.


Pokémon GO: a great example of safe, ethical children’s entertainment.

Creative Director Wil Arndt gives Pokémon GO four out of five stars when it comes to meeting high ethical standards for kids entertainment.

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Thinking ahead: the evolution of content management—the decoupled CMS

Learn about the benefits of decoupled content management.

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Design for Policy: bringing a design thinking approach to TransLink’s Fare Review process

TransLink partners with OXD's Service Design team to understand customer experiences during their Transit Fare Review.

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Navigating the PIA process in the BC provincial government

An OXD Service Designer reflects on their experience working with the BC Government and offers six tips to make your privacy impact assessment process easier to navigate.

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Gratitude in the workplace

Can a simple thanks lead to greater happiness and engagement at work? Jacqueline Antalik, our Director of User Experience, explores the question.

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Improving collaboration and design outcomes with empathy

Senior UX Designer Dave Kachman shares his key takeaways from Designing Together, by Dan Brown, including fundamental concepts that are applicable in almost any situation (not just design) to improve collaboration and navigate successful conflict.