Design for
Our long term economic, social, and environmental well-being rely on being able to address increasingly complex problems. We believe the methods and mindset of Design for Innovation can improve how we live, work, and thrive in challenging times.
Design for Innovation in Government
Helping governments transition from decision-making to future-making through design, charting a new course in complex, turbulent, and uncertain times.
More efficient and transparent governments promote peaceful and inclusive societies that better address modern public concerns. We work with and for governments to bolster their skills and capabilities. Through co-designed solutions with experts and citizens alike, we refine and redefine the experience of government.
Design for Innovation in Justice
Creating a more just society using design theory, methods, and mindsets in legal contexts.
To truly serve citizens, justice systems need to be equitable, accessible, and effective. We use design and technology to eliminate systemic barriers for citizen access to justice while making justice systems more efficient and user-friendly for policymakers and legal professionals.
Design for Innovation in Education
Supporting the transformation of our educational systems with the mindset, approaches, and tools of design.
Traditional educational institutions are grappling with the same forces of transformation and disruption that challenge governments, individuals, and corporations, but often with fewer resources. We apply co-design and collaborative approaches to foster both centralized and grass-roots transformation of our educational systems, improving access to quality education.
Design for Policy
Bridging the gap between policy making and policy implementation using the methods of design.
We help policy makers find new ways of solving public problems through the methods of design. We generate new forms of knowledge through design research, mitigate policy implementation risks through prototyping, and enable better policy outcomes for government and the citizens it serves.
Design for Mobility
Allowing people to travel safely, quickly, and sustainably through new and improved mobility services.
As populations and economies grow, the capabilities of public transit and road systems struggle to keep pace with increased demand and congestion. But simply moving people and goods from point A to point B isn’t enough. Mobility infrastructures need to be sustainable, liveable, efficient, and convenient if they are to succeed. Service design helps us imagine what the next generation of mobility experiences look and feel like by taking a human-centred approach.
Design for Social Innovation
Helping people live more socially cohesive and sustainable lives by tapping into everyone’s natural ability to design.
We help communities learn and use human-centred design approaches to work together to create more socially cohesive and sustainable lives. There aren’t enough expert designers to go around. We need to enable and encourage everyone’s natural design abilities to make positive changes towards sustainable futures.