We’re thrilled to have been part of the fifth annual SPUR Transit + Design event.
Last month Winnie Ho and Gordon Ross were invited to present and facilitate at San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association’s (SPUR) Transit + Design event. This event was developed as a response to a 2015 SPUR report that found public transit customer experiences were not understood, measured, or accounted for in the region. The goal was to fill this gap and introduce human-centred design to public transportation.
This year, the event’s organizers asked: “How can we actually integrate design thinking into transportation agency practices?”
Gordon and Andrew Devlin of TransLink shared our work together on the TransLink Fare Review. They talked about engaging customers and stakeholders, explored design for policy, and shared lessons learned from this work.
Gordon and Winnie facilitated a Future Backwards workshop where participants explored possible futures for transportation infrastructure in San Francisco using Cognitive Edge’s Future Backwards method. Groups identified significant past events, described possible futures, and connected possible futures to the past before sharing their outputs.
This was a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with policy makers, transit planners, designers, and transit and design enthusiasts in the Bay Area.
Learn more about SPUR’s commitment to giving people better ways to get where they need to go.
Learn more about our Design for Innovation work.