The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for the design of marketing and communication programs and projects. Entries are evaluated by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals, one of the oldest, largest, and most respected judges of creative work in the industry.
For the FortisBC website redesign we improved the overall look and feel of the site as well as the customer experience. Feedback from customers was key to meeting FortisBC’s goals for the project. The new design makes it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for—specifically paying bills, applying for rebates, and moving their service—which was validated by usability testing. The new design features refreshed colours and imagery that reinforces their brand attributes of credible, trustworthy, and innovative. The redesigned FortisBC website won Gold in the Business to Consumer category.
The Island Health website redesign focused on improving the patient experience online. Our teams designed a welcoming website that strives to offer cultural safety and a strong visual connection to place for the different communities in the region. This website utilizes large clear type, bright, clean colours, and simple icons to make things easy to understand for older patients. The Island Health website redesign won Platinum in the healthcare category.