Gordon Ross to join panel at Exchange Lab’s Agile Open House

We’re pleased to announce that Gordon Ross is invited to be a panel member at the Exchange Lab’s Agile Open House. Other panelists will include Alec Wenzowski from Button, Dhruv Dang from RealFolk, and Kendall Olsen-Maier from EY. The event will be at the Exchange Lab office in Victoria, British Columbia on Thursday, May 2, and is open to all BC public-sector employees.

The Exchange Lab is operated by the Digital Office, within the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) in the Ministry of Citizens’ Services in Victoria, British Columbia. Their focus is on “digital modernization to help create a modern government that’s trusted to respond to change and meet public expectations for excellent service delivery.”

During the open house, panelists will discuss how the government can best leverage vendor talent on blended teams, how to better collaborate with external vendors, and coaching Agile team members.

This is a great opportunity for those across government to network, take part in the discussion, and tour the lab.