The much anticipated (for some) peak beard didn’t seem to shake out in 2016. Now whether you’re a facial hair aficionado or you prefer individuals to be sans stubble, OpenRoadies cast their judgements in November to support a great cause. We’re proud to announce that this year’s Mo'OpenRoadies raised a total of $2,460 for men’s health. Well done gentleman!
Movember brings awareness to some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health.
The Movember Foundation is a powerhouse behind the movement. Since their inaugural year in 2003, they’ve raised $759 million and funded more than 1,200 men’s health projects*. With the goal of reducing premature male deaths by 25 percent in 2030, it appears the Mo Bros are well on their way. And every year, OpenRoad is happy to do our part.
On behalf of the OpenRoad team, we’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated, fundraised, and donated. Additionally, all donations were matched by OpenRoad.